Wander on the Way Podcast
Curious about the show? Watch the video below for a taste!
Ep.8 // What if it Was Easy?
Springtime is a great opportunity for transition from a highly introspective Winter to a highly active Summer. This is a time of synthesis; of creation. It isn’t yet Summer when we have to ensure our ideas and plans thrive for the Autumn harvest later on. At the same time though, there’s still work to do, but it’s a little more foundational and planning oriented. In essence, now is the time to set up the conditions that will enable us to work.
Ep.6 // What’s in a Name?
This kind of thinking, the emphasis on directing our attention to the present moment forms one part of a broader philosophy that governs the conversations I want to see take place more frequently in the world. And I think it provides a fantastic antidote to much of the hustle and grind, the goal-focused obsession and “gotta go fast” attitude we see around us.
Ep.3 // Surrender
Surrendering as a bit like being on a train. As a passenger you are being carried along a set path with specific stops along the way. There are lots of ways we find ourselves on these rails; work, politics, religion, culture, society, relationships. I don’t think surrender is inherently a bad thing, but left unexamined I think it can shape our lives in undesired ways.
Ep.1 // Introduction
This podcast is a multifaceted project that is equal parts passion project, attention practice, community building, and space for the things we may want but can’t find easily elsewhere. A place where rich, deep conversations are common, desired, and even expected.