Wisdom in… Wisdom out…
Just like we should naturally take the time to nourish and care for our bodies, so too should we feed the spirit and the mind. I love encountering new sources of wisdom (even if it’s old wisdom!), and this page is a small repository of recent and recommended encounters.
Just like you, I have broader tastes and interests than just what is represented here, but consider this a short, curated list of things you might find valuable on your own search for wisdom. Also. I highly recommend finding the way that best works for you to take in good content. I found that audio books and podcasts worked wonders for me.
And if you happen to have any solid recommendations…
Recent Reads
Victor Frankl - Man’s Search for Meaning
Thomas Merton - Zen and the Birds of Appetite
Chip Conley - Wisdom at Work
Pico Iyer - The Art of Stillness
Jenny Odell - How to do Nothing
Recommended Reads
Krista Tippett - Becoming Wise
Julia Cameron - The Artist’s Way (best in physical form, not an audio book)
Stephen Nachmanovitch - The Art of Is
Ryan Holliday - The Obstacle is the Way
Rutger Bregman - Utopia for Realists
Podcasts and Youtube
What’s this Tao All About? [Podcast]
A Christian Reads the Tao Te Ching [Podcast]
On Being with Krista Tippett [Podcast]
Philosophy in Motion [YouTube]
Yongey Mingyur Rinpoche [YouTube]
Lefie [YouTube]
This page will be something of a living space. Check back once in a while to see what has changed!